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Why is intersectionality important?


Intersectionality provides an understanding of the different social identities present in a given community.  Being more knowledgeable about and aware of these identities can help organizations better understand the disadvantages faced by different groups, as well as how best to address these.  An intersectional approach also recognizes that all groups have different needs, and thus can benefit from different approaches.  Visualizing the overlap of social identities present within the scope of organizations’ work additionally offers opportunities for collaboration.

Key Terms 

Social Identities

Social identities are someone's sense sense of self in relation to their group memberships and impact the way they are viewed by the world.


Intersectionality refers to the overlaps between these different social identities as they relate to an individual's experience with privilege and marginalization.


Collaboration is when two or more people or organizations willingly work together to accomplish their goals.  The four best practices for successful collaboration are complimentary goals, domain consensus, open and frequent communication, and strong interpersonal relationships.



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